Sunday, January 30, 2011

Genie Jafar: A Pittiful Excuse for a Boss

After beating Deep Jungle, thank god that nightmares over, I headed over to Agrabah. Aladdin was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid and I was really excited to see what kind of level this was going to be.

I was pretty happy with the level at first, but then I entered the desert. The fight with the Tiger Head that leads into the Cave of Wonders had potential, but it was far too easy. Once entering the cave I kinda just dodge rolled from room to room until I got into the treasure room. Now it was time to fight Jafar.

The first part of the battle consisted of Jafar floating around a room practically doing nothing. The only thing you have to watch out for during this fight is Genie and he warns you every time before he attacks. Once the first part ends he transforms into Genie Jafar.

But, in the second part of the fight you don't fight Genie Jafar... you fight his lamp. Never in a game have I ever been so let down.

Jumping platform to platform until getting close enough to the lamp to lock in and spam X, rinse and repeat.

Off to Monstro :\


  1. Lol you fight his lamp, that sucks :(

  2. I agree he was far too underpowered.

  3. I used to play that game like crazy as a kid. I never made it past level 5 I think.

    following and supporting!

  4. Dude, that sucks. Jafar is sorta badass in the Aladdin movies.. but, alas. What do we expect from Kingdom Hearts? That whole game had potential, but especially after playing Chain of Memories on the DS.. I can't stand the sight of it.

    ~Randall A.

  5. I've never played a single KH game in my life which sucks because they seem so fun!

  6. Sending this to my friend, he'd get a kick out of this.

  7. Cant say ive played this but looks great

  8. I only vaguely remember the details of the fight, but the disappointment has stayed with me...

  9. So much for phenominal cosmic powers... Snow White on PMS would be a harder fight.

  10. All I remember from that fight was avoiding big rocks and other debris. Other than that, it was not a very memorable fight at all. As for it being a "Kid's" game; this is why we have difficulty settings. I think this level could have been made more difficult and kids can just lower the difficulty.

  11. I liked the Ursala fight. Very memorable. Giant boobs and everything and oh god.
